Dear Future Self

in the beginning Jan 05, 2018

What would you want to say to your future self?  What is it that you want to remember? Who do you want to be? What lessons would you want to learn?

Yesterday, I received a letter that I wrote to myself, November 22, 2015, at 12:34 pm. It was required for all Unleashing Your Potential attendees.  Never, ever, EVER did I imagine that my future self would be where I am today. I am more conscious, aware and intentional with every step that I take. Trying to live true to my most authentic self. This process all began because the American Dental Hygienists' Association saw potential in me. My membership has meant more to me than I could have ever imagined. I will write more on this topic in future posts.

I am writing this impromptu blog because I was touched by the letter that I wrote to myself. I highly recommend that all professionals write a letter to themselves, journal or meditate! If we are to reach our patients and the community beyond the prophy we first need to examine ourselves. We must understand who we are, see our strengths and weaknesses. Embrace it with courage!!!

I'm an inner city girl living my dream and scared beyond belief. That's okay, who isn't when they are pushing the outer limits!

"You don't have to be Great to Start but you have to Start to be Great!"- Zig Ziglar


The letter to Future Jasmin:


I am so proud of you! You took the leap and have embarked on this amazing journey into leadership. I want to encourage yourself to never give up! Take the leap and lean in. I have learned how important it is to not forget the opportunities that could lead to more doors opening up.

Always use your hot buttons! Learn. Help. Meet. Take the time to listen! Flex to different behavior styles and always consider, "Am I allowing this person to be heard?." In meetings, break the ice by allowing a claim to fame moment. Try to develop comradery with your team so they can value working together to achieve a goal.

You must work on being your authentic self at all times. Be honest and embrace the challenges you face. Always seek to communicate how you feel. Know your worth and realize you are a leader and people have seen potential in you!

Never forget how valuable Clarence and the girls are. Include him in all your professional decisions. Without him, you will not be able to achieve anything. Find a balance and remember some things may present themselves not at a favorable time. Don't worry! More things will come.

Never forget your fiduciary responsibility. That is all that matters! Your duty of care, loyalty and obedience are of utmost importance. To remain accountable and transparent will take courage. Never forget that even if it may be a challenge it will always work out in the long run.

Embrace the journey!

Accept the responsibilities that come!

Embrace your authentic self!


Remember your potential!

And always,

Move Upward!

With Love,

Yourself 11/22/15, Sunday @ 12:34 pm

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