July's Are Made For Business Pivots

Time to kick butt for the remainder of the year!


Can you believe that half of the year has passed?


Have you fulfilled the goals you set forth for yourself at the beginning of the year? Are you on schedule or need to do a massive overhaul?


For me, you ask? July's Are Made For Business Pivots


This is a hard announcement to make but this is the LAST season of the Beyond the Prophy Podcast (we will end at episode 100) and the LAST Think Beyond the Prophy Conference….


For the last three years I have worked tirelessly on creating content (blogs, podcast, events). My motive was to reach the ambitious professional who was burnt out and lost all hope just like I was a few years ago. I wanted to remind her of her value, awesomeness, and give her the tools she needed to get back up on her feet. I wanted those tools to be easily accessible, affordable, and life-changing. I've been able to create just that with the Career Advancement Academy, my 1:1 Coaching and our annual confe...

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