In Times of Loss Re-center and Find What Matters

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.”

–Vicki Harrison


This month's blog feature was going to be all about our family mini-vacation and how incredible it was. It certainly was a special time that I spent with my husband, Dad, children, cousins, and Aunt. However, it is still undeniable how the sting of sickness and death can impact you.


Last week Friday on our way to our family retreat we received the devastating news that my husband's first cousin (they are the same age…  just tragic) fell asleep in death. We lost our cousin, children lost their father, a sister lost her brother, and a mother lost her son.


We decided we weren't going to back out of our trip because we were already too far gone. We opted to continue to take the time to rest and pause. Did it eliminate the knots in our bellies? No…but it allowed us to re-center on the present and what our...

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