Friends in Floss: A Full Circle Moment

rdh events Jul 11, 2016

American philosopher John Dewey is quoted saying “we do not learn from experience, we learn from reflection on experience”.  Reflection gives us the opportunity to find transformational meaning in any of life’s experiences. It could be looking back at an event that happened years ago or perhaps looking back on someone else’s life to discover meaning or purpose beneficial to you.  Reflection is taken the time to slow down in this obnoxiously fast paced world to give serious thought to a momentous happening. If you’re anything like me then your process of reflection can take days, weeks or even months.

American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) annual session adjourned a month ago and here I am still processing all that took place. The principle behind annual session is much bigger than what there is to see on the exhibit floor.  The majority of attendees go to be surrounded by like-minded people and to be part of an organization structured to help its members find love, joy, sati...

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Recap: ADHA 2016 93rd Annual Session and CLL

rdh events Jun 24, 2016

It’s been two weeks and I am still charged after attending the 93rd Annual Session and Center for Lifelong Learning of the American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA). This is my fourth time attending. I share the sentiments of many of my colleagues, "It gets better and better every year." This year’s CLL was located in the city of bridges, Pittsburgh, PA. The architecture and city location was absolutely breathtaking!!! We were in a prime location with easy walks to great restaurants and activities. The Penguins won during our stay! You could hear the cheers and celebrations all throughout the streets. Pittsburgh is one live city!

My highlights:

  1. Reconnecting with friends and meeting new colleagues.
  2. Being a part of the new Networking & Hot Topics discussion and Governance of Tomorrow Mega Issues Discussion.
  3. Attending my first national House of Delegates.

My first event was the IOH Presidential reception. It was a great way to kick of the 5 days I would be in attendance. I...

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